Besides school lessons, Star College Durban pays great attention to NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL Olympiad studies and Project competitions.
At Star College Durban learners extend their knowledge far beyond the classroom and the general curriculum Therefore, we pride ourselves in encouraging all our learners to participate in as many Olympiads as possible.
There are a number of Olympiad study branches at the school. Students and teachers work hard to attain the best results both at national and international levels.
Being a member of the Olympiad group gives great prestige to the learners.
Participation of certain Olympiad is compulsory for all learners. Learners will be issued a separate report showing their progress in the various Olympiads.
Below is a list of Olympiad study branches and short explanations for each of them:
The learners who are in the Math Olympiad team compete in various competitions and Olympiads like AMESA maths, Interprovincial Maths Competition, Harmony Maths, Pertoria maths etc.
Participation in AMESA and Harmony maths are compulsory for every learner at Star College.
Only selected learners represent South Africa at the International level like Pan African Maths Olymapiad (PAMO) and International Maths Olympiad (IMO).
At Horizon High School, grade 8 to grade 12 students are offered Natural Science (grd. 8&9) and Physical Science or Biology (grd. 10-12) Olympiad tuition (SAASTA & SASO).
Participation in the National Science Olympiad (SASO) is compulsory for every learner at Star College (grd 8-11). The International Junior Science Olympiad team (IJSO), International Senior Science Olympiad team (ISO), International Biology Olympiad team (IBO), International Chemistry Olympiad team (ICHO), International Physics Olympiad team (IPHO), are selected after the SASO Olympiad.
Every year Selected senior grade (10-12) students participate in the prestigious National Science (BIOLOGY or PHYSICAL SCIENCE) Olympiad (SAASTA) organised by the Department of Science and Technology.
Top learners of SAASTA Olympiad receive MEDALS, LAPTOPS and AIR TICKET to attend the London International Youth Science Forum in England or the Science Focus Week in Australia.
In SASO grade 10&11 learners can write both Physical Science and Biology, but in SAASTA grade 10-12 must choose either P. Science or Biology.
The IT Programming and & COMPUTER Application Olympiad studies are run by IT department. Participation in first round of IT & COMPUTER Olympiad are compulsory for every learner at Star College. Only SELECTED students participate Second and Final round of the National and International Computer Olympiad.
Horizon High School also pays great attention to NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL PROJECT competitions.
It is compulsory FOR EVERY LEARNER to prepare a project and participate at school level. All project ideas are welcomed but need to be confirmed by the subject educator or project coordinator.
Learner’s projects are then assessed on Star College’s Project Day. This assessment or mark forms the project mark for the term for the various science subjects.
After school level competition, SELECTED projects will represent school in provincial and national level in ESKOM Science EXPO.
After school and national level competitions, SELECTED projects will represent South Africa at International Project Competitions such as ISWEEP, INEPO, INESPO, EBIKA etc.
in general, the students are prepared for the following National&International Olympiads:
National Olympiads
Amesa Maths Olympiad
Harmony Maths Olympiad
UPMO Maths Olympiad
PAMO Maths Olympiad
SAASTA Science Olympiad
SASO Science Olympiad
MINTEK Science Quiz
IT Computer Olympiad
ESKOM Science Expo
FFS Science Expo
Turkce Turkish Olympiad
World Knowledge Olympiad
Afrikaans Olympiad
English Olympiad
International Olympiads
PAMO Maths Olympiad
IMO Maths Olympiad
ISO Science Olympiad
IJSO Maths Olympiad
IBO Biology Olympiad
Turkce Turkish Olympiad
IPHO Physics Olympiad
ICHO Chemistry Olympiad
IOI Computer Olympiad