Horizon Educational Trust has adopted the following SCHOLARSHIP POLICY for its schools (STAR COLLEGES) in South Africa to REWARD ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE.
A) Learners may be awarded an Academic Scholarship on the following basis on his/her results from the Horizon Mathematics Competition held at our schools:
1st Position – 100%
2nd Position – 75%
3rd Position – 50%
4th Position – 25%
5th – 10th Position – 20%
B) Learners may be awarded an Academic Scholarship on the following basis on his/her results from our Entrance Exam held at our schools:
1st Position – 100%
2nd Position – 75%
3rd Position – 50%
4th Position – 25%
5th Position – 20%
C) Learners may be awarded an Academic Scholarship if they have served as Head Boy at their Senior Primary School:
Head Boy – 50%
D) Learners may be awarded an Academic Scholarship if they show exceptional results in the Mathematics or Science Field. This will be based on school results and any external National Olympiad results (such as AMESA maths or SAASTE science Olympiad etc).
Mathematics 1st Position Overall – 25%
Mathematics 2nd Position Overall – 15%
Mathematics 3rd Position Overall – 10%
Science 1st Position Overall – 25%
Science 2nd Position Overall – 15%
Science 3rd Position Overall – 10%
Only the Highest achievement will be considered e.g.: Head Boy/Girl and 2nd position entrance exam, learner will receive the discount for 2nd position entrance exam only. The Scholarship will be based on the highest achievement and not added/no double discount.
The Scholarship is conditional upon the learner meeting the set performance levels each academic year with an average/aggregate of 80% and lowest mark per subject being 70%.
If these conditions are not achieved, Star College has the right to withdrawn the scholarship.
A) Learners may be awarded an Academic Scholarship on the following basis on the previous years’ overall results, academic performance scholarship:
1st in Grade – 20%
1st in GET or FET Phase – 40%
This scholarship is for ONE YEAR ONLY and will be reviewed on the learners’ performance for the following year(s). NB: This is based on the FINAL mark, NOT the Term mark. The Scholarship will be based on the highest achievement and not added/no double discount.
B) Learners may be awarded an Olympiad Scholarship if medals have been won as listed in the following International Olympiads ONLY:
B.1. IMO (International Maths Olympiad), IBO (International Biology Olympiad), ICHO (International Chemistry Olympiad), IPHO (International Physics Olympiad) and ICO (International Computer Olympiad):
Gold Medal (1st Position) – 100%
Silver Medal (2nd Position) – 75%
Bronze Medal (3rd Position) – 50%
B.2. IJSO (Junior Science Olympiad) and ISO (International Science Olympiad):
Gold Medal (1st Position) – 100%
Silver Medal (2nd Position) – 50%
Bronze Medal (3rd Position) – 25%
Scholarships awarded for International Medal achievement is for his duration of study, after the medal is received, until final year of study. The Scholarship is conditional upon the learner meeting the set performance levels each academic year with an average of 80% and lowest mark per subject being 70%. The Scholarship will be based on the highest achievement and not added/no double discount.
C) Learners may be awarded a Science Expo/ Project Competition Scholarship for 1 YEAR ONLY on the following basis:
C.1. National Achievements (Eskom Science Expo, FFS):
Gold Medal (1st Position) – 25%
Silver Medal (2nd Position) – 10%
Bronze Medal (3rd Position) – 5%
C.2. International Achievements (INEPO, I-SWEEP, EBIKO, INFOMATRIX, BUSEF, IYIPO etc):
Gold Medal (1st Position) – 50%
Silver Medal (2nd Position) – 25%
Bronze Medal (3rd Position) – 15%
D) Medals as listed in the following National Olympiads: This scholarship is for 1 YEAR ONLY.
D.1. Harmony Maths Olympiad
Gold Medal (1st Position) – 50%
Silver Medal (2nd Position) – 25%
Bronze Medal (3rd Position) – 15%
D.2. SAASTE Science Olympiad
Gold Medal (1st Position) – 15%
Silver Medal (2nd Position) – 10%
Bronze Medal (3rd Position) – 5%
D.3. SAASTA Science Olympiad and MINTEK Science Quiz
Gold Medal (1st Position) – 50%
Silver Medal (2nd Position) – 25%
Bronze Medal (3rd Position) – 15%
D.4. Computer Application Olympiads
Gold Medal (1st Position) – 15%
Silver Medal (2nd Position) – 10%
Bronze Medal (3rd Position) – 5%
D.5. IT Computer Olympiad
Gold Medal (1st Position) – 50%
Silver Medal (2nd Position) – 25%
Bronze Medal (3rd Position) – 15%
E) Uluslarasi Turkce Testi (UTT): International Turkish Proficiency Test for Turkish Language. This scholarship is for 1 YEAR ONLY.
C1 Certificate – 50%
B2 Certificate – 20%
B1 Certificate – 10%
Please note on the above:
Only the Highest achievement will be considered: If Top of Class and Top of Phase – you will receive Phase discount only. The Scholarship will be based on the highest achievement and not added/no double discount.
The Scholarship is conditional upon the learner meeting the set performance levels each academic year with an average/aggregate of 80% and lowest mark per subject being 70%.
If these conditions are not achieved, Horizon High School has the right to withdrawn the scholarship.
Anything that has not been listed may be reviewed under the discretion of the Financial Committee.PLEASE NOTE: THE AWARDING OF SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE MANAGEMENT